2022   03   en   p.27-29 Sh.Sh. Amirov,
On the theory of dispersion interferometer with two nonlinear crystals


Theory of double crystal dispersion interferometer is given in the constant intensity approximation taking into account the reverse reaction of excited harmonics on the phase of fundamental wave. It was shown that unlike the traditional interferometers the dispersion interferometer is not sensitive to the mechanical vibrations and intensity of second harmonics is a function of electron density in a plasma medium.

Keywords: dispersion interferometer, second harmonic generation, plasma electron density.
PACS: 95.75 Kk; 42.65-k; 42.25 Hz; 42.62-b

Received: 01.09.2022


Faculty of Physics, Baku State University, 23 Z. Khalilov str., Az-1148, Baku, Azerbaijan
Department of Medical and Biological Physics, Azerbaijan Medical University 167 S. Vurgun str., Az-1022, Baku, Azerbaijan
Department of Physics and Electronics, Khazar University, 41 Mahsati str., Az 1096, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: phys_med@mail.ru

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