2021   01   az   p.06-09 A.I. Akhmedov, А.М. Abdullayev, I.N. Ibrakhimov, М.C. Nadjafzade, M.A. Aldjanov,
M.K. Khudayarova, Q.C. Sultanov,
Magnetic and electrical properties of magnetic semiconductors Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4


Magnetic and electrical investigations are carried out in the temperature interval 110÷660 K which show that Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4 is the semiconductor ferromagnet. The ferromagnetic Curie temperature TC (TC≈ 210K) is determined. The value of the effective magnetic moment (μeff) is calculated for Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4eff = 1.8μB). The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity σ of the Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4 compound indicates on semiconductor type of conductivity. The sign of the thermopower α in total studied interval is positive one, i.e. the conductivity in Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4 is carried out by one type of charge carrier (p type). The influence of the magnetic phase transition on charge transfer in Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4 ferromagnet is observed.

Keywords: magnetization; Ni0.25Fe0.75Cr2S4; Curie temperature; electrical conductivity
PACS: 64.70.kg, 75.50.Dd, 75.50.Pp


Received: 16.01.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aqaadil@gmail.com

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