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Fizika, 1998,vol.IV, 4
1. |
A.R. Gasanov
Acoustic-optical detector of line frequency-modulated signals.
3 |
2. |
Sh.G. Askerov, Sh.S. Aslanov, E.G. Shaulova, F.B. Dadashova, I.G. Pashayev
Properties of barrier stuctures on Si-amorphous Al-Ni metal alloy.
7 |
3. |
H.S. Seidly, O.M. Sadixov, R.M. Ismailov
Thermal electromotiveforce features in p-n junction on the basis of CdxHg(1-x)Te.
10 |
4. |
A.R. Gassanov
Acoustic - optical mode of a realization of pulse - width modulation.
12 |
5. |
A.Sh. Mekhtiev, A.A. Mekhtieva
The atmosphere correction method and algorithm of the parameter
performance for spectral brightness coefficient of the spread surface.
14 |
6. |
Y.N. Babayev, A.G. Kyazym-zade
Grown and investigation of some physical properties of single crystals
based of indium sescvitelluride alloys.
18 |
7. |
E.I. Zulfigarov
Effect of electron and g-irradiation on CdxHg(1-x)Te electric,
galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic properties.
20 |
8. |
I.Akgyuney, A.A.Agasiev
Physico-chemical properties of HELIX AK-1 in stable paramagnetic state.
24 |
9. |
R.T. Tagiyeva
Localized magnetostatic modes in magnetic superlattices.
27 |
10. |
T.M. Veliyev, S.A. Abasov,_M.G. Zeynalova, I.K. Aliyeva, S.Sh. Bedirhariova
The influence of structure on temperature dependence of mechanical longevity of
polyethylene in electrical field.
30 |
11. |
N.A. Abdullayev, T.G. Kerimova, T.R. Babayev
On anizotropy of conductivity in layered InSe.
33 |
12. |
Sh.S. Ismailov
On the scattering mechanism of charge carriers of strong doped Bi2Te3.
36 |
13. |
Sh.M. Nagiyev
Difference harmonic oscillators. I.
39 |
14. |
E.M. Gojaev, D.A. Guseinov, Kh.S. Khalilova
Heat expansion and izotermic compressibility of solid solutions TlIn(1-x)NdxSe2 (0 < x < 0,1).
42 |
15. |
C.A. Aliev, F.F. Aliev, G.P. Pashayev, K.I. Rzayev, A.M. Aliev
Change thermodynamical parameters in Ag2Te at phase transitions.
44 |
16. |
R.Kh, Salman-zadeh, O.R. Musayev
Quantum greep in HTSC at low temperature and high purity limit.
48 |
17. |
A.O. Allakhverdiev, O.H. Guseinov, S.O. Tagieva
The limit inferior for mass of progenitors of neutron stars.
51 |
18. |
A.A. Bayramov, R.M. Jafafzade, A.M. Pashaev
The investigation of the level of the radiation background at the flight on aeroplans.
56 |
19. |
S.N. Niftiev, M.A. Kurbanov, M.C. Shakhtakhtinski, A.O. Orujev, Kh.S.Aliev
Electret effect in highly heterogeneous polymer-piezoelectric composite system.
59 |
20. |
M.A. Sadikhov, E.R. Kasimov, R.M. Kasimov, Ch.O.Qajar
Spectral characteristics of nonreflecting absorption of microwave radiation of some polar liquids.
63 |
21. |
S.K. Abdullayev, A.I. Mukhtarov, M.Sh. Gojayev
Nonstandart boson in deep inelastic L+- -N scattering.
67 |