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Fizika, 2008,vol.XIV, 2
1. |
M. A. Ramazanov, K. Arbabi, Mojtahed Zadeh Larijani M.
Production of vertical-aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNTS) with direct current plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (DCPECVD).
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2. |
G.T. Gasanov, A.N. Mamedova
Heat capacity of liquids at multiquantum ionization influence of laser rays.
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3. |
E.Sh. Hajiyev, A.I. Madadzade, J.I. Ismailov
Interaction of Yb(1-x)Smx and As2S3 thin films obtained by vacuum deposition.
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4. |
S.D. Alekperov
An alternative approach to using atomic-force microscopy in the surface studies .
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5. |
M.A. Musayev
Nonlinear absorption and susceptibility of the fifth order in InSb at the wavelength of 10.6 micron.
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6. |
E.V. Nasirov, Yu.G. Asadov
Polimorphic transformation in monocrystall of K1-xAgxNO3 (x=0,025; 0,05; 0,1)
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7. |
Ch.I. Abilov, M.F. Agayeva
Features of heat conductivity in crystalls (Fe3Sb2)0,98(Pb82,5Sb17,5)0,08.
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8. |
F.M. Hashimzade, Kh.A. Hasanov, B.H. Mehdiyev
Thermoelectric effects in quantum well.
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9. |
A.A. Mamedov
Spectroscopic properties of neodymium ions in .-Gd2-S3 single crystals.
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10. |
B.G.Tagiyev, S.A.Abushov, O.B.Tagiyev, F.A.Kazimova
Photo- and thermo-luminescence of SrGa2S4:Eu crystals.
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11. |
F.K. Aleskerov, S.Sh. Kagramanov,M.A. Ramazanov
Metal interlayer nano-particles in bismuth telluride.
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12. |
Yashar Azizian Kalandaragh, M.B. Muradov, R.K. Mamedov, A. Khodayari, G.M. Eyvazova
Formation of PVA-capped CdSe nanocrystals under ultrasonic waves .
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13. |
E.M. Farhadzadeh, A.Z. Muradaliyev, Y.Z. Farzaliyev
Matching of criteria the discernment of the functional characteristics of indexes of reliability of plants EES.
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14. |
S.G.Abdulvahabova, D.Masti
Definition of resulting angle of the deviation after the passage of neutrons through the crystal.
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15. |
H. A. Hasanov
Study of electrical and photoelectric properties of strongly compensated solid solutions obtained on the base of lead sulphide under the influence of radiation.
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16. |
S.T. Azizov, Sh.K. Agamuradova, Ch.O. Kadjar
Investigation of dielectric properties of strongly-absorbing liquids and their solutions
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17. |
Kh.G. Gasanov, E.A. Kerimov, M.A. Kurbanov, S.N. Musaeva
Interrelation between electrophysical properties of polymer - pyroceramics composites and their components.
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18. |
G.I. Abutalibov, D.I. Guseynov, A.A. Mamedov
Stark state structure 4/3/2 of Nd3+ ion in La2S3 crystal at selective laser excitation
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19. |
A.A. Agasiyev, M.M. Panahov, M.Z. Mamedov, V.J. Mamedova, H.O. Gafarova
Dielectric constant of restored SrTiO3.
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20. |
Yu.G. Asadov, Yu.I. Aliyev, F.G. Magerramova, A.G. Babayev
The role of zinc atoms in modification stabilization in Cu2Se. .
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21. |
Ò.Ì. Àhmedov
Wave diffraction on plane belt with resistive boundary conditions.
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22. |
T.R. Mehdiyev, N.R. Babayeva, A.M. Gashimov, A.A. Habibzade
Electromagnetic processes in frequency-dependent resistor sheath.
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23. |
S.B. Kazimova, M.E. Aliyev, A.S. Hasanova
“Forbidden”rotational transitions of trans-konformer (CD3)2CDOH molecule. Centrifuqal rotatiohal transitions and weak rotatiohal transitions .
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