2020   02   az   p.08-12 G. Gasanov Arzuman,
Mathematical modeling of the electronic structure of tetrahedral gold nanoparticles and its properties


The electric and optical properties of Au20 gold nano-particles of tetrahedral form are studied by Hukkel method. It is shown that electric and optical properties of gold tetrahedral nano-particles differ from ones of spherical form [1,2]. The mechanical properties of both forms of Au20 gold nano-particles are practically similar and coincide with paramagnetic properties.

Keywords: Tetrahedral gold nanoparticle, mathematical model, Extended Hückel method.
PACS: 81.07,-b; 07,05,Tp; 03,67: LX


Received: 18.03.2020


Military Academy of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan
E-mail: gasqhapk@gmail.com
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