2020   02   en   p.17-19 S.T. Azizov, G.M. Askerov,
The investigation of equilibrium and dynamic characteristics of dielectric polarization of chlorobenzene – n – butyl alcohol solution


The investigation data of equilibrium and dynamic characteristics of dielectric polarizations, the measurement results of dielectric constant ε' and absorption index ε" of chlorobenzene - n – butyl alcohol system, are given in the article. The measurements are carried out on the frequencies 0,008; 0,04; 0,20; 0,50; 1,5; 5,0; 7,5 MHz at temperature from 20 up to -150° С; 25; 50; 500; 1000; 3000; 7500; 14000 MHz at temperature from 20 up to – 40°С at alcohol content in mole percent х = 0,000; 0,270; 0,526; 0,769; 1,000.

Keywords: dielectric spectroscopy, dielectric constant, dielectric properties, chlorobenzene, n – butyl alcohol.
PACS: 61.20. – p; 77.22. – d; 77.22.Gm;

Received: 12.05.2020


AZ 1143, H.Javid, ave.,131, ANAS Institute of Physics, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: samir azizov@mail.ru

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