2023   04   en   p.29-32 E.A. Masimov, A.R. Imamaliyev, A.H. Asadova,
Study of sol-gel phase transition in the agarose-water system by electrical conductivity


In the present work the electrical conductivity method was used to study the sol-gel phase transition in the agarose-water system. The 0.1% agarose-water system is used for this purpose; The temperature dependence of the conductivity of 0,1%, 0.3% and 1% solutions and as well as the influence of hydrophobic (isoamyl alcohol) and hydrophilic (Na salt of tartaric acid) additives on this dependence were studied.It was shown that the hydrophilic additive makes the gel more stronger and shifts the gelation (Tg) and melting (Te) temperatures up. The hydrophobic additive (hydrophobic isoamyl alcohol) on the contrary weakens the gel and shifts the gelation (Tg) and melting (Te) temperatures downward.

Keywords: polymeric hydrogels, agarose, electrical conductivity, hydrophobic additive, hydrophilic additive.
PACS: 77.22.Ej, 64.75 Bc, 31.70. Dk, 61.70 Og


Received: 29.11.2023


Baku State University, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aynurasadova19@gmail.com

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