2023   04   en   p.14-17 A.M. Babanli1, B.G. Ibragimov2,3,
Thermodynamic functions of electrons in Kane type semiconductor tube


The energy spectrum and heat capacity of Kane electrons on the surface of a nanotube in a longitudinal magnetic field are investigated for degenerate electron gas. It was shown, that at low temperatures, the specific heat of electrons on the surface of the tube varies linearly with temperature.

Keywords: Nanotube, Kane type semiconductors.
PACS: 7478.-w


Received: 16.10.2023


1. Department of Physics, Süleyman Demirel University, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
2. Ministry of Science and Education, Institute of Physics, Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ 1143, H. Javid ave., 131
3. French-Azerbaijan University, Baku Azerbaijan
E-mail: arifbabanli@sdu.edu.tr

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