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Fizika, 2003,vol.IX, 1
1. |
L.M. Valiyev , Sh.O. Orujeva, A.I. Akhmedov
The peculiarities of electric and galvanomagnetic properties of Fe1,2Cr1,8S4.
3 |
2. |
H.F. Abbasov, A.R. Imamaliyev
Simulation of trashold properties of ferroelectric liquid crystal.
6 |
3. |
G. Asadov, R.B. Baykulov
The structural transformations in Cu1.50Ag0.5Te.
9 |
4. |
A.A. Aliyev
The electric ageing of the polyethylene and polypropylene polymer
mixtures in the region of low admixtures on one of the components.
16 |
5. |
K.B. Gurbanov The research of the influence of the electric discharge on the GaS
medium SF6. |
19 |
6. |
J.N. Rustamov The modern evolutionary status of the binary wolf-rayet type stars.
22 |
7. |
S.G. Rzayev, Z.M. Zakhrabekova The potential relief close to the isolated dislocation in Si.
27 |
8. |
Talat R. Mehdiyev Optical properties of LiNbO3.
31 |
9. |
Sh.M. Abbassov The influence of impurities on kinetics of annealing of Ge(1-X)SiX
radioactive defects.
35 |
10. |
S.K. Abdullayev, A.I. Mukhtarov, M.Sh. Godjayev Effects of weak neutral currents
in the semi-inclusive reactions.
38 |
11. |
N.E. Huseynov The peculiarities of creation of twopiezoelement piezoelektromechanotron
action transistor.
42 |
12. |
D.I. Ismailov, E.A. Alakbarova, F.I. Aliyev The structure of the short-range
order of the amorphous TlInSe2.
45 |
13. |
V.P. Aliyev, S.S. Babayev, T.G. Mammadov, Mir-Hasan Yu. Seyidov, M.M. Shirinov, R.A. Suleymanov
Memory effect in commensurate ferroelectric phase of TlGaSe2.
47 |
14. |
S.A. Jamalova The study of magnetic-phaze state of (Ni, Sb, Cr, K)/y Al2O3
catalysts and electron properties of promotors in propan dehydrogenation reaction.
51 |
15. |
Geis Sultanov, Mazahir Aldjanov, Elmira Kerimova MGR investigations in Ga0,8Fe0,02S6
54 |
16. |
Ch.I.ABilov, Y.Babur Characteristic pecularities of p-PbTe/n-Pb0,99Tm0,01Te p-n transitions.
57 |
17. |
M.S. Murguzova, M.I. Murguzov, Sh.S. Ismayilov Galvanomagnetic proporties of
solid solutions on the base of SnSe with taking part of gadolinium element.
59 |
18. |
E.N. Zamanova
The influence of the thermal treatment on the air on the drift and recombination
barriers in the films Cd(1-x)ZnxS (x=0-0,6).
62 |
19. |
E.M.Hasanov, Z.H.Tagiyev, G.A.Akhverdiyeva, N.A.Akhmedov Spatial structure
of hexadecapeptide fragment of BAM-20P`molecule.
64 |
20. |
Teimur Mukhtarov Methods of development of interactive WAP Applications.
68 |
21. |
Azerbaijan-russian-english dictionary of the physical terms. |
76 |