2022   04   en   p.42-45 K.S. Eyyubova,
Energy saving at the heat supply source using gas turbine technologies


The article deals with heat and power supply systems, which give maximum energy savings and bring profit, include municipal and industrial systems for the joint production of heat and electric energy using gas turbines which are gas turbine TPP (GTU-TPP). The effective fuel efficiency of such systems reaches 90% and is the highest one among other technologies. In addition to energy saving, the use of gas turbine technologies improves the environment, as emissions of pollutants NO, CO and CO2 into the atmosphere are significantly reduced due to the fact that the saved fuel isn’t burnt in the furnaces of the existing boilers.

Keywords: gas turbines, combined-cycle gas plant (CCGT), combustion chamber, steam turbine, condenser, mains water, process water, heated process water, Transonic (TS).
PACS: 620.9


Received: 18.11.2022


Mingachevir State University
E-mail: Kemale.eyyubova.77@mail.ru

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