2020   04   az   p.06-08 S.I. Ibrahimova,
An investigation of the thermal expansion properties of CuGaIn2Se5 solid solution crystal by high-temperature X-ray diffraction


A solid solution of the CuGaIn2Se5 composition has been synthesized and investigated its linear and volumetric thermal expansion by high-temperature X-ray diffraction methods in the temperature range of 350–1200K. It was determined that there is no significant change in linear and volumetric coefficients in the indicated temperature range, which is associated with with the absence of structural changes and the stability of the structure.

Keywords: Crystal, X-ray diffraction, thermal expansion, linear and volume parameters.
PACS: 544.223.


Received: 20.11.2020


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
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