T.D. Ibragimov, G.Kh. Huseynova, Z.A. Dadashov, A.F. Nuraliyev
2024   02   az   p.22-27


Dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of composites based on high-density polyethylene and boron nitride particles before and after modification by plasma barrier electrogas discharge have been studied. It was found that dielectric constant decreases in a frequency-dependent manner after modification of pure polymer and composites with BN addition under the influence of electro gas-discharge plasma. The volume fraction dependences of conductivity at different frequencies were also determined. From the graphs obtained, it can be seen that as the volume fraction increases at different frequencies, the conductivity after plasma increases and decreases according to a certain law and the conductivity before plasma becomes frequency complex.

Keywords: boron nitride, high density polyethylene, barrier electric gas discharge plasma.
PACS: 77.84.Lf, 77.65.-j


Received: 17.04.2024
Internet publishing: 27.06.2024


1. Institute of Physics named after H.M.Abdullayev of the Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan AZ-1143, Baku, 131.H.Javid ave.
E-mail: tdibragimov

Graphics and Images


Fig.1       Fig.2        Fig.3       Fig.4        Fig.5        Fig.6


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