2021   04   az   p.15-17 I.A. Mamedova,
Force constants of interatomic bonds in AII B2III C4VI type compounds


In the frame of force constants model there have been calculated force constants of the interatomic bonds for CdGa2Te4 and ZnGa24. Seven force constants have been entered into a dynamical matrix, considering interaction both the nearest neighbors, and interaction of atoms of anion sub lattice. The obtained results were analyses together with data for CdGa2S4, CdGa2Se4. Conclusions are made on the nature of chemical bond.

Keywords: power constants, oscillation frequencies, CdGa2Te4, ZnGa2Se4
PACS: 539.24/27


Received: 08.10.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: irada_mamedova@yahoo.com

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