2020   01   en   p.34-39 A.S. Alekperov, A.E. Nabiyev, T.M. Aydinova,
Influence of Nd impurity atoms and gamma irradiation on roentgenographic spectrum of GeS layered single crystal


The roentgenograms of layered single crystals GeS and Ge0.995Nd0.005S before and after gamma irradiation are investigated. It is revealed that at identical conditions after gamma irradiation by dose 30 krad, the reflex intensity of GaS single crystal roentgenogram increases in 2,25 times and for Ge0.995Nd0.005S single crystal this value achieves up to 35. It is supposed that neodymium atoms form the complex aggregates in compositions of which the oxygen atoms consist in. The crystal temperature increases under the influences of quantum small doses and complexes are destroyed. As a result, the oxygen atoms leave the crystal, neodymium crystals take the cation vacancies migrating in crystal and this leads to crystal structure ordering.

Keywords: rare-earth elements, self-compensation irradiation, annigilation, associate, complexing.
PACS: 72.40.+W,76.30Kg,78.20,79.60.-i

Received: 16.03.2020


Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University 68, U. Hajibeyov str., Baku, Azerbaijan, 1000
E-mail: aydin60@inbox.ru

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