2020   02   az   p.16-19 S.S. Ragimov1,2, A.A. Saddinova2, T.T. Bagirov2,
Thermoelectric properties of (AgSbSe2)0,8(PbTe)0,2 solid solution


Temperature dependences of electrical conduction and thermal e.m.f. in the temperature interval 300-550K in (AgSbSe2)0,8(PbTe)0,2 solid solution are studied. In addition, X-ray structure and differential scanner calorimetric analyses are carried out, and its crystal structure and lattice parameters are determined. An endoeffect with maximum at T≈376,2K in the temperature interval T≈335-435K and also the strong decrease of electrical conduction value above T≈375K and the change of conduction type near T≈430K are observed.

Keywords: thermoelectric material, electrical conductivity, thermoelectric driving force, endothermic effect
PACS: 72.20.Pa


Received: 08.06.2020


1. Baku State University, Institute of Physics Problems, 23 Z. Khalilov st., Baku, AZ-1148
2. Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ 1143
E-mail: sadiyar.raqimov@bsu.edu.az, sadiyar@mail.ru
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