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Fizika, 1996,vol.II, 4
1. |
S.N.Mustafaeva, V.A. Aliev Charge transport in layer TlGaSe2 single crystals
3 |
2. |
M.I. Aliev, Sh.Sh. Rashidova Influence of electron irradiation on
the optical properties of FaP and GaxAl(1-x)As crystals.
6 |
3. |
T.G. Kerimova, Sh.S. Mamedov, I.A. Mamedova Deformation potential of band in Ã(000) in CdGa2S4.
8 |
4. |
M.J. Bakirov, F.D. Safarova Photoelectrical and radiation
characteristics of high-voltage siliceous solar elements with bilateral sensibility.
12 |
5. |
F.F. Aliyev Low temperature pecularities of electrical conductivity of p-Ag2Te. |
15 |
6. |
F.N. Kaziev, Sh.M. Kuliev, A.K. Mamedov, G.S. Seidli Recombination
processes in n-Hg0,7Cd0,3Te single crystals. |
18 |
7. |
A.M. Gasanov Investigation of processes in boron silicate under g-quants
and electric discharge by ESR method. |
22 |
8. |
M.H. Kyazumov, G.S. Mehdiyev, A.B. Magerramov Single packed polytype
modification of 1T. CdInAlS4. |
26 |
9. |
M.H. Kyazumov Electron diffractometric investigation of CdInGaS4 polytype modifications |
28 |
10. |
E.J. Zulfigarov, S.J.Safarova, Z.S. Gasanov, S.A. Aliev Effect of
g-Irradiation on CdXHg(1-x)Te thermoelectric and thermomagnetic properties. |
32 |
11. |
E.J. Zulfigarov, S.J.Safarova, Z.S. Gasanov, S.A. Aliev Effect of
g-Irradiation on electrical and galvanomagnetic properties in CdXHg(1-x)Te. |
36 |
12. |
B.I. Kuliev, V.M. Gadjiev The size-quantized anizotropiy of electrons
states in n-Ge and n-Si films. |
40 |
13. |
F.M. Seidov, E.M. Kerimova, A.K. Zamanova, A.B. Magerramov The influence
of izovalent substitutions on electric properties of TlSe crystals. |
44 |
14. |
F.M. Mustafayev Galvanoelectric, electronic and ionic properties of silver halcogenydes. |
47 |
15. |
F.M. Mustafayev Galvanoelectric, electronic and ionic properties of copper halcogenydes. |
51 |
16. |
E.R. Guseynov Spectrum of the TE-polarizations in a finite superlattice. |
55 |
17. |
A.I. Isaev, S.I. Meckhtiyeva, G.K. Akberov, V.Z. Zeynalov, Ya.I. Gasanov,
A.K. Rzayev, Kh.B. Ganbarova Carrier transfer In Se3-As system structures
with halogen additions. |
58 |