2022   02   en   p.58-60 G.D. Abbasova, E.Z. Aliyev, G.R. Safarli,
Spatial models of glucose and di-glucose optimized structures


The spatial and electron structure of dextran-glucose monomer units is investigated by semiempirical methods of molecular mechanics and quantum chemistry with the help of computer calculative programs. Glucose and di-glucose complexes with iron oxide Fe2O3 are studied. The geometric parameters characterizing the energy-stable states of investigated compounds and their coordination complexes are calculated.

Keywords: dextran, glucose, di-glucose, iron oxide.
PACS: 3115; 3315

Received: 17.05.2022


Chair of optics and molecular physics, Baku State University, Z. Khalilov st.23, AZ-1148, Baku, Azerbaijan

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