2021   03   en   p.33-39 A.M. Mammadova,
On the exact solution of the confined position-dependent mass harmonic oscillator model with the kinetic energy operator compatible with Galilean invariance under the homogeneous gravitational field


Exactly-solvable confined model of the quantum harmonic oscillator under the external gravitational field is studied. Confinement effect is achieved thanks to the effective mass changing with position. Nikiforov-Uvarov method is applied for solving exactly corresponding Schrödinger equation. Analytical expressions of the wavefunctions of the stationary states and energy spectrum are obtained.

Keywords: Harmonic oscillator, gravitational field, position-dependent mass.
PACS: 03.65.-w, 02.30 Hq.03.65.Ge


Received: 30.09.2021


Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences H. Javid av. 131, AZ1143, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: a.mammadova@physics.science.az

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