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Fizika, 1999,vol.V, 4
1. |
T.V.Butchuzi, N.P.Kekelidze, T.G.Khulordava, K.T.Jachvadze, S.B. Suladze, Tomia Ogava, V.A. Aliyev
The calculation of the refrigirator thermoexchangator working on the ozone nondangerous cold-agent.
3 |
2. |
R.Z. Kyazimzade
The first acceptor state of substitutional nickel impurity atoms in Ge(1-x)Six system.
5 |
3. |
Ch.M. Djuvarly, R.N. Mekhtizadeh, E.N. Akhmedov
The electrical discharge application at adsorption cleaning of Heksen-1 from impurities.
7 |
4. |
A.R. Gassanov
Acusto-optical modes of handling of signals.
9 |
5. |
G.K. Akberov, S.I. Mekhtiyeva, N.E. Gasanov
Mechanism of return current dependence on pressure in a selenic p-n transition.
13 |
6. |
Sh.A. Topchieva
Laser spectroscopy in the investigations of spectral-luminescent properties of vipera metabolites.
15 |
7. |
T.G. Kerimova, Z.G. Mamedov, A.G. Sultanova
Photosensitivity depending on time in CdGa2S4.
18 |
8. |
Ch.Sh. Abdullayev, M.Sh. Mamedov
Elastic scattering of neutrons with energy 14,7 MeV by isotopes of mean nuclei.
20 |
9. |
E.M. Gojayev, H.R. Nuriyev, A.M. Nazarov, S.G. Dunyamaliyeva
Photoconductivity of TlIn(1-x)PrxS2 solid state solutions.
23 |
10. |
I.N. Alieva, D.I. Aliev, N.M. Godjaev
The complex using of the ESR, theoretical conformational analysis
and quantum chemistry methods at the 2,03 complexes structure study.
25 |
11. |
M.A. Bagirov, A.M. Magerramov, M.M. Kuliev
Piezopolymer composites used in energetics.
27 |
12. |
E.R. Kasimov, Ch.O. Qadjar, R.K.Kasimov, Sh.G. Gasanov, E.M. Mamedov
Reflection less absorption of microwave radiation in mixture solutions
of polar substances in non-polar solvents.
30 |
13. |
F.M. Gashimzade, E.I. Guseinov
Substitution and solution energies for orthorhombic compounds semiconducting A4B6.
33 |
14. |
M.A. Mukhtarov
SL(3,C)-solutions of self-duality equations.
38 |
15. |
F.D. Kasimov, Ya.Yu. Guseinov
Hall devices of the base of n-InSb(1-x)Bix-i-GaAs heterostructures.
41 |
16. |
N.D. Achmed-zade,M.Yu. Seidov
Evaporation and condensation of congruent evaporated compounds AIIBVI.
44 |
17. |
M.I. Aliev, Sh.Sh.Rashidova, I.M.Aliev
Reflection spectra in GaAs and Ga(1-x)InxAs, Ga(1-x)AlxAs crystals.
46 |
18. |
N.T. Panahov
Elastic modulus of three-component alloys such as Ni3(Fe(1-x)Mex).
48 |
19. |
F.G. Agayev, F.D. Kasimov, Ch.A. Asadov
Aerospace research of water surfaces pollution by the mean of laser location.
50 |
20. |
I.N. Askerzade, F.G. Aliyev, O. Cakiroglu
The time resolution of the balanced comparators on the overdamped Josephson junction.
53 |
21. |
T.M. Veliev, M.J. Zeynalova, S.A. Abasov, J.K. Alieva, S.Sh. Bedirkhanova
Mechanical strength and deformation properties of polypropylene-polyethylene
of low density compositions.
55 |
22. |
I.G. Pashaev
Investigation of electrical properties of amorphous and polycrystalline
metal contact with a semiconductor.
59 |
23. |
A.R. Gassanov
Detection and discernment of unknown radioradiations by acusto-optical methods.
61 |