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Fizika, 1998,vol.IV, 3
1. |
K.A. Askerov, R.Y. Aliev, D.I. Karaev
Photodiodes on the base of indium selenide with thermoelectric refrigeration.
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2. |
E.A. Akhundova, M.A. Mukhtarov
The problem of the quantum particle movement in bounded space in coordinate and Wigner
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3. |
S.A. Aliev, R.I. Selim-zade, T.G. Gadzhiev
The Nernst-Ettinghauzen thermomagnetic effects in CdxHg(1-x)Te at the phonon drag conditions.
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4. |
V.A. Aliev
The konoscopy of layer crystals TlAIIIBVI2.
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5. |
T.D. Aliyeva, N.M. Akhundova
Thermoelectrical properties of thermoelements on the basis of bismuth
telluride with various resistance.
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6. |
E.R. Kasimov, M.A. Sadikhov, R.M. Kasimov, Ch.O. Qadjar
Band of selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation in two-layer system dielectric-metal.
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7. |
Ch.A. Adigezalova
Photoconductivity in monocrystals (SnS)0,999(GdS)0,001.
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8. |
G.Kh. Azhdarov, S.M. Bagirova, R.Z. Kyasimzade
Donor state of substitutional sulfur impurity in Ge(1-x)Six crystals.
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9. |
F.N. Kaziyev, Sh.M. Kuliyev, R.I. Mukhtarova, E.Y. Salayev
Cooled photoresistors with gaps on the CdHgTe base.
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10. |
E.N. Zamanova, M.A. Jafarov
Noises and frequencies characteristics Cd(1-x)ZnxS films deposited from the solution.
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11. |
E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, F.M. Seidov, P.G. Ismailova
Roentgen-dosimetric characteristics of Tl(InS2)(1-x)(FeSe2)x single crystals.
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12. |
Kh.N. Vezirov, N.G. Gasumov, J.N. Ibragimov, G.F. Guseinov
Mechanism of charge transfer in boundary range photocathode.
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13. |
S.S. Ragimov
The electrical and thermal properties of samples of Ag-Sb-Te system.
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14. |
O.B. Tagiev, T.Sh. Hashimova
Electroluminescence of MnIn2S4:Yb single crystals.
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15. |
F.K. Isayev, K.A. Askerov, S.A. Orujeva
Influence of ionizing irradiation on electrophysical properties of gallium telluride.
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16. |
I.G. Pashaev
The study of the excess current in contact of silicium with amorphous metallic alloy.
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17. |
J.Kh. Mamedov, J.K. Nasibov
Three spectra of highly excited electron-oscillation states of xylol radicals.
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18. |
K.M. Jafarov
Structural transitions in Y-Ba-Cu-O system.
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19. |
M.I. Veliev, N.Z. Jalilov, V.Z. Zeynalov
Influence of Na on mechanic and thermal properties of Se.
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