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Fizika, 2002,vol.VIII, 1
1. |
M.K. Kerimov. Sh.M. Abbasov. Sh.L. Abbasov
Radiation stable electromechanical transformers on the basis of
thread-like monocrystals Ge(1-x)Six.
3 |
2. |
G.I. Abutalibov, S.Z. Dzhafarova . N.A. Ragimova Exciton-exciton
interaction in GaSe crystal electroluminescence spectrum.
6 |
3. |
M.I. Aliyev, R.N. Rahimov, D.H. Arasly, A.A. Khalilova The
role of defects in scattering of phonons in the A3B5 alloys.
10 |
4. |
A. M. Babayev Non-minimal interaction and spectra of impurity
states for light carriers in Kane's semiconductors.
12 |
5. |
M.M. Asadov Correlation equations of ionic hydration in ionic groups of s-,p-,d- elements.
15 |
6. |
B.G. Tagiyev, N.N. Musayeva, R.B. Jabbarov
The stimulation of multiplicity of the light to dark currents ratio in PbGa2Se4 single crystal.
17 |
7. |
M.A. Aljanov, E.M. Kerimova, S.I. Mekhtieva, M.D. Nadjafzade, S.G. Sultanov, G.M. Akhmedova
Heat capacity and thermodynamic properties of TICoS2. |
20 |
8. |
E.M. Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, S.I. Mekhtieva, Firuza M. Hashimzade
Photo-, roentgen-sensitivity and roentgenoampere characteristics of TllnSe2- TlSbSe2 system single
22 |
9. |
T.M. Veliev, S.A. Abbasov, MJ. Zeinalova, Z.C. Efendieva
The influence of the thermoprocessing on deformation properties
and physical structures of polymer compositions. |
25 |
10. |
S.G. Rzayev. 2.M. Zakhrabekova The determination of the nature of
deep levels in silicon p-n junctions.
28 |
11. |
L.M. Valiev. Sh.O. Orudzheva. A.I. Ahmedov Peculiarities of electric
and galvanomagnetic properties of Co(1-x)FexCr2S4 (x=0.1; 0.5: 0.9) system.
31 |
12. |
A.R. Hasanov of photoelastic effect and some ideas on their application.
33 |
13. |
E.S. Mamedov The modeling of the two-dimensional potential in the
charge-coupled device -structures.
36 |
14. |
A.G. Sultanova
Thermostimulated conductivity in ZnGa2Se4.
39 |
15. |
N.T. Suleymanova, I.N. Alieva, D.L Aliev. N.M. Godjayev
Conformational study of the N-terminal pentapeptide from Guanylyl cyclase A. |
41 |
16. |
Ch. Abilov. C.A. Zeynalov
The equation for liquidus line of the In2Te3-Co3Te4 system phase diagram.
45 |
17. |
F.I. Ismailov Method and technical solutions of informativitv
increase of actinometric measurements.
47 |