2022   01   az   p.15-17 E.A. Kerimov, S.N. Musaeva,
Theoretical investigation of the reliability of electronic devices


Radio-electronic and electronic equipment of modern spacecraft includes up to tens of millions of complex devices, so the problem of improving reliability is extremely important. Reliability is a property of an object to perform specified functions, preserving in time the values of the set indicators within the specified limits, corresponding to the specified modes and conditions of use and maintenance. Failure rate is investigated as one of the main quantitative reliability criteria.

Keywords: reliability, rejection, intensity of rejections, device wear, service life, service parameter.
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx, 72.10.-d


Received: 19.01.2022


Azerbaijan State Technical University, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 25 H. Javid ave., Baku, AZ 1073
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru

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