2020   01   az   p.36-38 R.G. Abaszade,
X-ray diffraction analysis of carbon nano-tubes doped by 10% gadolinium


The investigation results of purity, quality, surface morphology of carbon nano-tubes and carbon nano-tubes doped by 10% gadolinium by the method of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), their structural properties studied by X-ray diffraction method, are given in the paper. It is established that the changes of diffraction peaks in X-ray diffraction spectrum in carbon nano-tubes doped by 10% gadolinium are caused by sample morphological peculiarities.

Keywords: Carbon nanotube, gadolinium, scanning electron microscope, X-ray phase analysis
PACS: 61.05.C-, 68.37.Hk, 73.63.Fg


Received: 10.02.2020


Institute of Physics named after H.M. Abdullayev, of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, Az-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: abaszada@gmail.com
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