2020   02   az   p.34-39 J.R. Sultanova,
The investigation of electric properties of nano-composites on the base of polymer and magnetic nanoparticles in the dependence on nanofiller concentration


The electric properties of polymer nanocopositions on the base of polymer and magnetic nanoparticles are investigated in present work. The identification of composition and structure of polymer nanocomposites with magntic nanoparticles is carried out by the X-ray diffraction analysis. It is seen from the spectra that the main peaks belonging to magnetic nanoparticles are also observed in nanocomposites. The polymer crystallinity degree also increases with increasing of volume content of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer matrix. The structural properties of polymer nanocomposites are studied with the hep of scanning electron microscopy and it is defined that size and agglomerate quantity increase with increasing of volume of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer matrix. It is shown that the value of nanocomposite dielectric constant decreases with introduction of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer matrix and increasing of its volume content. The decrease of dielectric constant value at definite temperature is explained by destruction of polymer crystalline phase.

Keywords: polymer nanocomposites, magnetic nanoparticles, polypropylene, iron nanoparticles, nanocomposite structures, dielectric properties, specific resistance, dielectric permeability.
UOT: 546.21;538.935


Received: 22.09.2020


National Aerospace Agency, Institute of Ecology Azerbaijan, S.S. Akhundov 1, Baku, AZ-1115
E-mail: ceyranrehmetova@mail.ru
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