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Fizika, 1998,vol.IV, 1
1. |
A.A. Bayramov
The measuring total cross sections of inelastic interactions n~ mesons
with freon molecule and bromine nucleus at 5 GeV/c.
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2. |
N.N. Aliyev
Heatcapacity of the crystallic and quasiglass SiO2-PbO-Ba2O3-K2O-Na2O at low temperature.
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3. |
S.A. Aliyev, A.A. Movsum-zadeh, S.S. Ragimov
Particularity of electrical properties of n-Bi0,88Sb0,12.
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4. |
E.M.Godjayev, Ch.I. Rustamov
The roentgenographic investigation and elektrophysical properties of TlInSe2-InGaSe2 alloys systems.
11 |
5. |
S.A. Abasov, U.A. Kabulov, M.A. Ramazanov
Antistatic properties of polymeric composition on the base of polypropylene
and polytetrafluorethylene.
16 |
6. |
M.M. Zarbaliyev
Electrical and thermal properties os solid solutions of system TlInSe2-TlYbSe2.
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7. |
M.K. Kerimov, A.E. Nabiyev, E.Z. Aliyev
Photoinduced paramagnetic relaxation in polydiacethylene films.
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8. |
B.A. Najafov, S.M. Najafov
Optical absorption edge in a-GeO,80Si0,10:Hx films.
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9. |
E.M.Kerimova, S.N. Mustafaeva, L.A. Ismailzade, A.Yu. Nadjafov
The absorption spectra of layer TlIn(1-x)FexS2 single crystals.
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10. |
E.R. Kasimov, S.T.Azizov, R.M. Kasimov, Ch.O. Qajar
Dielectric properties and molecular structure of solutions formamid - dioxan
and dimethylformamid-diomid - dioxan.
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11. |
Z.A. Aliyarova, T.I. Guseynov, N.A. Kardashbekova, N.T. Guseynova, A. Kh. Gasanov
The level by level distribution of structural changes in PE to a film caused under
action of the electrical categories.
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12. |
K.A. Askerov, R.Y. Aliev, D.I. Karaev
The influence of ionizing irradiation on the properties of thermoelectric coolers.
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13. |
S.A. Jamalova, O.N. Novruzov, A.A. Kasimov, V.A. Huseynova, M.M. Seidrzaeva
Research on the influence of conditions of manufacturing of (Ni-Cr-Sb-K)/Al2O3
catalyst on pore-structural characteristics and thermal diffusivity.
40 |
14. |
S.A. Zeynalov
Thermal conductivity of InSb-GaSb solid solutions of low temperatures.
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15. |
R.Kh. Salman-zadeh
On optical depths of Fraunhofer lines formation in the solar atmosphere.
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16. |
Sh.M. Nagiyev, E.I. Cafarov
On phase-space distribution functions for the nonlocal relativistic oscillator.
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17. |
A.A. Bayramov
Nuclear matter fluctuations.
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18. |
K.M. Jafarov
Structural transitions in Cu(2-x)MyS crystals (x=0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15; y=0.05; M=Fe, In).
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