2022   04   az   p.23-27 A.H. Asadova,
Investigation of the effect of hydrophobic and hydrophilic additives on the dielectric properties of agarose gel


The effect of hydrophilic and hydrophobic additives on the dielectric properties of agarose gel was studied by the method of low-frequency dielectric spectroscopy. It was shown that the hydrophobic addition weakly changes the dielectric relaxation of the gel, while the hydrophilic addition shifts it towards lower frequencies. These properties are related to changes in the viscosity of the solution.

Keywords: agarose, dielectric permeability, dielectric relaxation, viscosity
PACS: 72.22. Ej, 64.75 Bc, 31.70.Dk, 61.70 Og


Received: 28.11.2022


Baku State University, 23, Z. Khalilov st., Baku, AZ 1148, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aynurasadova19@gmail.com

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