2021   02   en   p.61-63 M.A. Kurbanov1, A.F. Gochuyeva1,2, F.F. Yahyayev1, A.F. Nuraliyev1,
Investigation of the effects of polymer-ferrocene composites


The article describes the effects observed in polymer-ferrocene composites. It is shown that in photo composites based on polymer (HDPE, PVDF) and di - π - cyclopentadienyl iron (π - C5H5)2 Fe, ferrocene), the effect of photo quenching of electrical conductivity under the action of light is observed. The photoelectret effect in PVDF-ferrocene composites is investigated.

Keywords: ferrocene, high density polyethylene, polyvinilydenftorid, electrical photo quenching, photoelectret
PACS: 78.66.Qn; 78.66.Sq


Received: 17.06.2021


1. Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, H. Javid av. 131, AZ-1143, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. National Aviation Academy, AZ-1045, Baku, Mardakan ave. 30
E-mail: aynuragochuyeva@gmail.com

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