2021   01   az   p.47-49 N.A. Nasibova,
Minimal coupling constant of excited vector meson and baryons at finite temperature


In this paper, the temperature dependence of the minimal coupling constant is considered in the framework of soft - wall model of AdS/QCD.The profile functions of the excited vector meson, excited baryons and ground state baryons was taken into account for the comparison. The temperature dependence of minimal coupling constant was analyzed.

Keywords: AdS/QCD duality, soft wall model, vector meson, strong interaction constant.
PACS: 11.25. Tq.11.25.Wx. 13.75.Lb


Received: 23.02.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: n.nesibli88@gmail.com
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