1V.N. Jafarova, 2Sevda Rzayeva
2024   04   en   p.66-69


Using spin polarized density functional theory with the local spin density approximation and Hubbard U corresctions, we have performed our simulations on ZnSe supercell compound, doped with 3d transition metals and vacancy positions. Investigation of electronic structures of Zn1-xTMxSe systems show additionally peaks in the vicinity of Fermi level derived from TM2+ 3d orbitals. The computed spin moments for TMxZn1-xSe alloys found of 3.0 µB for
VxZn1-xSe, 4.0 µB for CrxZn1-xSe systems. The base contribution to the magnetization of systems comes from TM d-states. First-principles simulations of the total energies for ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases show FM phase stability of VxZn1-xSe, CrxZn1-xSe systems.

Keywords: ZnSe:TM, ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, metallic, half-metallic

Received: 05.12.2024
Internet publishing: 20.12.2024


1,2. Ministry of Science Institute of Physics and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, H. Cavid avenue. 131, 1073, Baku, Azerbaijan
1. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 34 Azalig ave., Baku, Az-1010, Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 6 Istiglaliyyat Str., Baku, AZ-1123, Azerbaijan

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