2021   03   en   p.07-11 M.V. Kazimov,
Raman scattering of InSb-CrSb, InSb-Sb, GaSb-CrSb eutectic composites


Semiconductor-metal InSb-CrSb, InSb-Sb, GaSb-CrSb eutectic composites are synthesized by the vertical Bridgman method. The interphase zones around metallic inclusions in GaSb-CrSb, InSb-CrSb and InSb-Sb eutectic composites have been revealed by study of the structure and elemental composition. It has been found that the peaks detected in the Raman spectra correspond to the GaSb and InSb compounds and Sb-Sb bond.

Keywords: Eutectic composite, Raman Scattering; SEM structure, X-ray diffraction
PACS: 539.24/27


Received: 02.07.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences AZ 1143, Baku, H.Javid ave., 131
E-mail: mobilkazimov@gmail.com

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