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Fizika, 1999,vol.V, 3
1. |
S.S. Agaev, A.I. Mukhtarov, Y.V. Mamedova
The dependence of the, light meson's electromagnetic form factors on the factorization scale.
3 |
2. |
G.Kh. Azhdarov, R.Z. Kyazimzade, N.A. Agaev, M.A. Akperov
Impurity states of tellurium in germanium-silicon solid solutions.
8 |
3. |
P.G. Azhdarov
Electron mobility in heat-treated Ge(1-x)Six crystals with copper impurity.
11 |
4. |
Z.F. Agaev, Z.V. Damirova, G.S. Seidli
Influence of compozition nonhomogenity on electrophysical properties of CdxHg(1-x)Te single crystals.
14 |
5. |
H.B. Ibragimov
Influence of sound wave strength on interband magnetoabsorption in
semiconductors with superlattice.
17 |
6. |
F.D. Kasimov, Ya.Yu. Guseinov, G.P. Kemerchev
Influence of the potential barrier on the boundary layer between of
semi-insulating GaAs substrate and epitaxial film on the carrier transport.
20 |
7. |
J.M. Aliev, R.A. Rahimova, E.I. Veliyulin
The topographical analysis of the surface defects of Ge(1-x)Six single crystals.
24 |
8. |
M.M. Zarbaliyev
Singularities of electrical properties of solid solutions TlIn(1-x)YbxS2(Te2).
26 |
9. |
A.R. Babayev, A.M. Gashimov, R.N. Mekhtizadeh
The time variation of both sigh ion mobilities in (SF6+N2) mixtures.
29 |
10. |
M.M. Babayev
Crystal-field analysis of splittings of the energy levels for the Nd3+ centre in the GaSe crystal.
31 |
11. |
M.G. Abbasov, Ya.Yu. Guseinov, F.J. Kasimov
The formation of silicon polycrystalline films on the amorphous substrate.
34 |
12. |
A.A. Aliev, Sh.M. Kuliev, A.K. Mamedov, R.I. Mukhtarova
On the possibility of the quantum yield increasing of IR - radiation detectors.
36 |
13. |
E.R. Kasimov, S.T. Azizov, Ch.O. Qadjar, R.M. Kasimov
Dielectric properties and modular structure of nitrometane, N-metilformamide arid
NN-dimetilacetamide solution in dioksan.
39 |
14. |
O.Z. Alekperov
n-GaAs quality diagnose from shallow impurities photoelectric spectroscopy l
ine shapes dependence on electric field.
44 |
15. |
G.Z. Bagieva, D.Z. Ahmedova, N.B. Mustafayev
Surface conduction of Bi0,85Sb0,15 solid solutions.
51 |
16. |
N.F. Gakhramanov, S.S. Sadulova, E.S. Garaev
Photoconductivity of Au3Ga5Se9 single crystals.
53 |
17. |
Ch.M. Djuvarly, G.M. Kerimov, Z.K. Nurubeyly
Investigation of the spark ion source.
55 |
18. |
S.G. Rzaev, A.A. Ismailov, T.S. Mamedov, T.G. Mamedov
Electrophysical properties of Pb0,9Ge0,1Te doped by indium.
58 |
19. |
I.N. Orudzhev, M.A. Kurbanov, M.K. Kerimov, M.M. Akhmedov
Photosensitive composites on the base of PVDF-CdS.
60 |
20. |
F.A. Aleskerov
Temperature parameters of compressional-thermoelectric systems at different extreme regimes.
64 |
21. |
T.M. Khalina
Calculation of partial conductivities between the co-planar electrodes
of the low temperature composition electrical heater.
67 |
22. |
S.A. Jamalova, O.N. Novruzov, A.A. Kasimov, S.A. Zeinalova," Kh.A. Amrakhova
Exchange interaction between Ni2+ ions in Ni-Cr-Sb-K/y-Al2O3 catalyst depending
on calcination temperature.
72 |