R.B. Bayramli1,*, E.V. Nasirov2, I.M. Maharramov3, U.F. Bayramli4, V.I. Nasirov5
2024   04   az   p.15-18


Monocrystals of K0,945Rb0,055NO3 were grown by an isothermal crystallization method, from an aqueous solution, and the growth morphology of crystals of I and II modifications during transformations II↔I was studied. It is established that the structural transformations in the crystal under investigation are enantiotropic and the equilibrium temperature between modifications II and I is T = 455±0,5 K

Keywords: Modification, crystal growth, morphology, crystallographic orientation relationships, equilibrium temperature

Received: 03.12.2024
Internet publishing: 06.12.2024


1. Baku Engineering University, 120 H. Aliyev Ave., AZ-0101, Absheron, Azerbaijan
2. Military Institute named after H. Aliyev, 9a, P.Hashimov Ave., Baku, AZ-1018, Azerbaijan
3. Military Scientific Research Institute, 136 Sh. Mehdiyev ave. Baku, AZ-1065, Azerbaijan
4. Baku Military College, 76 Sh. Mehdiyev ave., Baku, AZ-1000, Azerbaijan
5. Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, 68 U. Hajibeyli, Baku, AZ-1000, Azerbaijan

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