2022   04   az   p.28-31 V.M. Aliev, 1J.A. Rahimov, 1Sh.Sh. Amirov, 2G.A. Alieva,
Theoretical and experimental study of dielectric polarization in thermotropic monomer and polymer liquid crystals with reentrant mesomorphic modification


In this work, the optical and dielectric properties of liquid crystal 4-(4`-nonyloxybenzyloxy)-phenyl-azobenzonitrile (NBFB), which has the main nematic phase at temperatures in the range of 212°S - 245°S, were studied. Smectic A state (SA) is observed in the interval 116°S - 212°S. The reentrant-return nematic phase is present in the interval 94°S - 116°S. The main refractive indices of the liquid crystal were measured in the entire temperature range of the existence of the mesophase: they were determined at the value of the wavelength of 578 nm of extraordinary and ordinary light.

Keywords: mesophase, phase transitions, monomer, oligomer and polymer liquid crystals
PACS: 74.25. Fy


Received: 21.11.2022


1. Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. Azerbaijan Medical University, 23 Bakikhanov str., Baku AZ 1022
3. Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Ministry of Science and Education, 30 Khojaly ave. Baku AZ 1025
E-mail: v_aliev@bk.ru, javanshir.rahimov@mail.ru

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