2020   04   az   p.09-12 N.M. Namazova,
Rb1-xNaxNO3(x=0,025, 0,05) research of acquisition of crystals X-ray and DTA methods


Rb1-xNaxNO3 crystals obtained by isothermal crystallization of the initial components were studied by X-ray diffraction and DTA methods. It was found that the samples have a rhombic structure at room temperature. As the temperature rises to melting, structural changes are observed. Partial substitution of Na ions for Rb ions does not significantly affect the temperature transformations of the structure.

Keywords: crystal, structure transformations, electrolyte, hexagonal lattice, solid solution.
PACS: 544223


Received: 24.11.2020


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: natella.namazova@gmail.com
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