2020   04   en   p.28-31 M.M. Panakhov1, E.Sh. Alekperov1, E.S. Garayev1, S.A. Sadraddinov1, A.M. Nazarov2, S.S. Farzaliyev2,
Phase transition at termal treatment of TlIn1-xSnxSe2 amorphous films


The crystallization process of TlInSe2 amorphous films doped by tin impurity is investigated by method of high-energy electron diffraction. It is shown that crystallization of amorphous films by width 30nm obtained in high vacuum by thermal method takes place by regularities established by Abraham-Kolmogorov and it is described by analytical expression Vt = Vo[1 – exp(-ktm)]. The influence of tin impurity on values of nucleation activation energies and their further growth is defined by kinematic electron diffraction pattern of TlIn1-xSnxSe2 films.

Keywords: electrography, doping, structure, amorphous phase, kinetics, crystallization.
PACS: 61.66.Fn

Received: 12.11.2020


1. Baku State University, AZ1148, Z. Khalilov str., 23, Baku, Azerbaijan
2. Institute of Physics of ANAS, AZ1143, H.Javid ave., 131, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: alekperoveldar@mail.ru

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