2021   02   az   p.08-12 Sh.M. Ahadzade,
The role of the used polymers (PE, F2M) in the electric strength of based ZnO-polymer composite varistors


In this work, the dielectric strength of composites based on ZnO and various polymers (polyethylene (PE), polyvinylidene fluoride (F2M) was determined. To study the dielectric strength of the composites, the breakdown voltage (Ubr) of the samples was calculated, as well as to determine the cause of the change in the dielectric strength, the dependence of the dielectric constant on the percentage of the filler was created. Also, in the ZnO - PE composites, the concentration of empty traps (Hem.tr.) was calculated before and after the discharge. It can be concluded that for free electrons, the many traps that are created in the PE polymer, as well as the height of the potential barrier to the interface, is the reason for the stability of the strength of the ZnO-PE composite than the ZnO-F2M composite.

Keywords: composite varistors, polymer, electrical strength, breakdown voltage, traps, concentration.
UOT: 621.315.61


Received: 18.03.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: ahadzade79@mail.ru

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