2022   02   az   p.10-11 Kh.S. Aliyeva1, A.E. Mammadova2, S.I. Huseynova3, I.Sh. Sardarova4,
Production technology and study of electrophysical properties of palladium silicide


The production technology of palladium silicide and its electrophysical properties are considered. It is established that PdSi is obtained at 410°C and its resistivity varies in the range 28÷36 mkOhm∙sm.

Keywords: silicon, layer, photosensitivity, integrated circuit, adhesion, solvent, Schottky barrier, photoreceiver.
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx, 72.10.-d


Received: 19.01.2022


1. Scientific Research Aerospace Informatics Institute, 1 S.S. Akhundov street, Baku, AZ 1115
2. Agdam State College of Social Economy, Agdam region, AZ 0200
3. Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, 5 Ayna Sultanova, Baku AZ 1073
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru

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