2020   02   az   p.57-60 S.F. Samadov,
The investigation of dielectric and electric properties of TlGaSe2 crystals implanted by H+ and He2+ ions


The dielectric and elecric properties of TlGaSe2 crystal implanted by H+ and He2+ ions in temperature interval 300-600K are presented in the given work. In this temperature interval such dielecric parameters as imaginary and real parts of dielectric constant coefficient, dielectric loss angle and dielectric constant are studied. The role of free ions in relaxation process at f‹10kHz is defined on the base of investigation of dielectric parameters in frequency range 25-106 Hz. It is shown that interdependence of real and imaginary parts of dielecric constant exceeds the standard one.

Keywords: dielectric properties; impedance; TlGaSe2 crystals
PACS: 29.20.dg, 29.27.Ac, 68.37.Ps, 78.30.-j, 61.05.cp


Received: 25.09.2020


Institute of Radiation Problems of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 9 B. Vahabzade, Baku, AZ 1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: Samirsamedov.rpi@gmail.com
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