2021   03   az   p.49-52 Sh.N. Aliyeva,
Radiative characteristics of nanoresonator of FD resistor based on Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 and SmS


We have studied the luminescent and some optical properties of a three-layer nanocavity, the active layer of which is based on a granular layer of SmS or Ni0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 ferrite. The presence of high-intensity luminescence in the visible region of the spectrum and the generation of terahertz radiation by excitation of YAG Nd (λ = 532 nm) with a power above 8 mW and room temperature have been established.

Keywords: thin film, ferrite, hyper resonance effect, frequency dependent resistor
PACS: 41.20Gz;42.72Ai


Received: 24.08.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: Shahla-aliyeva22@rambler.ru
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