The Kramers-Kronig relations [1–5] are extensively employed in various areas of theoretical physics to retrieve one component of the complex dielectric constant from the
known second part. One component of the dielectric constant is derived from calculations of a material's optical properties based on measurements, such as the reflection
coefficient across a broad spectrum, as well as in other issues closely connected to optics and solid-state physics.
Keywords: Kramers-Kronig relations, optical spectra, permittivity.
Received: 25.11.2024
Internet publishing: 05.12.2024
Institute of Physics, Ministry of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, AZ-1073, Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, AZ 1010, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aliyeva.shahla2020@gmail.com
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[1] В.Б. Тимофеев. Оптическая спектроскопия объемных полупроводников и наноструктур.СП.:Лань. 2014. 512 с.
[2] V. Lucarini, J.J. Saarinen, K. Peiponen, and E. Vartiainen. Kramers-Kronig Relations in Optical Materials Research. B.: Springer. 2005.162 p.
[3] P. Martin. Physical. Review. - 1967,- vol. 161, p. 143.
[4] Л.И. Альперович, Н. Г. Бахшиев, Ю.Е. Забиякин, В.С. Либов. Оптика и спектроскопия. -1968, - т. 24, с. 60-63.
[5] J.S. Toll. Physical Review. - 1956, - vol.104, p.1760-1770.
[6] Р. Уиллардсон, А. Бир. Оптические свойства полупроводников.М.: МИР.1970.483 с.