2023   03   en   p.32-35 A.S. Huseynova1, M.N. Bayramov2, F.F. Yahyayev1,
Study of the stability of the electret state in a nanocomposite polymer film based on polyethylene with a nanoparticle Ta2O5


Have studied the electret properties of polymer nanocomposites based on PE and tantalum oxide nanoparticles. At a nanoparticle concentration of between 7% - 10%, it is possible for the electret properties of PE/Ta2O5 polymer nanocomposites to change significantly. The results of structural changes of polymer nanocomposite PE/Ta2O5 in its volume and interphase zone are also presented.

Keywords: nanocomposites, nanocomposites, polyethylene, tantalum oxide, polymer nanoparticles, electrothermopolarization.
PACS: 77.55


Received: 05.09.2023


1. Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 131, H. Javid ave., Baku, АZ 1143, Republic of Azerbaijan
2. Institute of Radiation Problems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 9, B. Vahabzade str., Baku, AZ 1143, Republic of Azerbaijan
E-mail: e-mail:aem05@rambler.ru

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Fig.1       Fig.2


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