2022   04   az   p.50-53 A.I. Jabbarov,
Electrical properties in the region of magnetic phase transition of TlCoSe2 compound


TlCoSe2 compound was obtained by direct synthesis from pure Tl, Co and Se elements. The electrical conductivity and thermo-emf coefficient of the obtained compound were studied in the temperature range of 77-400K. It was determined that at antiferromagnetic TN=85K and ferromagnetic TC=150K temperatures of this sample, there is an anomaly in electrical conductivity and thermo-emf coefficient in phase transitions. This is explained by the scattering of spins with interlayer antiferromagnetic alignment and then ferromagnetic alignment within the layer.

Keywords: magnetic phase transition, conductivity, thermoelectric motive force
PACS: 75.50.2y, 71.20.Be, 71.15.Mb


Received: 29.11.2022


Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, 131 H.Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: aydin jabbarov 28@mail. ru

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