2020   02   az   p.40-43 E.A. Kerimov,
Methods of noise description in nanoelectronic devices


The physical processes which are considered at study of electronic devices are designated as deterministic ones, though in fact the different random factors, causing the current fluctuations and voltages in device circuits, influence on these processes. The voltage fluctuations on outputs of electronic devices are usually called noises. All electronic devices have noises and they are caused by random nature of current carrier movement inside electronic devices. The noises are often factor limiting the electronic device characteristics, in particular, their sensitivity. Sometimes, the noise can be used for investigation of electric characteristics of the system itself.

Keywords: accelerated ions, local energy, target, ion bombardment, neutral atom, scattered ions.
UOT: 621.383.5
PACS: 73.40.Ns, 73.40.Sx


Received: 22.09.2020


Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, 16/21 Azadlig ave., AZ 1010
E-mail: E_Kerimov.fizik@mail.ru
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