2021   02   az   p.19-25 Gulnaz Gahramanova1,2, Farida Aliyeva1, Rasim Jabbarov1,2,
Preperation and electrical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube/ polymer (epoxy, polypropylene, chytosan) composites


The main purpose of the work is to implement a homogeneous dispersion within the polymer matrix of CNTs. With a small percentage of CNTs, CNT/Polymer composite has a conductive properties. Composite layers consisting of epoxy, polypropylene and chitosan polymers with 3% CNT were prepared. Small increases in the percentage of CNTs in polymer lead to a sharp increase in electrical conductivity.

Keywords: multi-walled carbon nanotube, polymer, chitosan, polypropylene, epoxy, composite layers
PACS: 81.15.Gh, 73.63.Fg, 72.80.Tm, 71.20.Rv


Received: 05.04.2021


1. Institute of Physics of ANAS, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
2. RCHTMT, Communications and High Technologies, 4 Inshaatchilar ave., Baku, AZ-1073, Azerbaijan
E-mail: gulnaz_qehremanova@hotmail.com

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