2023   01   az   p.10-13 A.A. Hasanov, X.T. Hasanova, S.R. Bagirova,
Impact of the temperature and concentration to the Huggins interaction parameters between the components in water-polymer two-phase system dekstran-PEQ, dekstran-PVP and PEQ-C4O6H4Na2


With the purpose to clarify the mechanism of the influence of external factors on the compatibility of polymers in a solvent, to study the effect of temperature, concentration of polymer on the phase separation in two-phase systems dextran-PEG-water and dextran-PVP-water and PEG-C4O6H4Na2. The thermodynamic parameters of the interaction between the components of the systems and the difference of these parameters (Δχ) was calculated and Δχ effect the temperature dependence, dependence from concentration of additions was investigated. With increasing temperature and the concentration of polymer Δχ effect decreases, simultaneously improving compatibility of polymers in aqueous solution.

Keywords: incompatibility of polymers, polymer-water two-phase system, phase separation.
PACS: 61.20.N,66.20.+d,82.60.Lf,61.25.Hq.


Received: 22.12.2022


Baku State University, 23, Z. Khalilov st., Baku, AZ 1148, Azerbaijan
E-mail: Xaverhasanova2019@rambler.ru

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Fig.1       Fig.2        Fig.3


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