2020   03   en   p.07-09 E.R. Hasanov, Sh.G. Khalilova, E.O. Mansurova, G.M. Mammadova,
The excitation of unstable waves of thermoelectromagnetic character in conductive mediums of electronic type of charge carrier


From theoretic analysis of excited waves in the medium with one type of charge carrier it is obtained, that thermoelectromagnetic wave is the growing wave and medium becomes the energy radiation source. The frequency and increment of excited waves are expressed in terms of frequencies of electromagnetic and thermomagnetic waves.

Keywords: growing frequency, frequency, energy source, charge carriers, electric conduction tensor.
PACS: 72.70.m, 72.70.+m, 73.40.Gk, 73.40.Jn, 73.40.Mr, 73.43.Jn.

Received: 13.10.2020


Institute of Physics of ANAS, H. Javid ave., 131, Baku, Azerbaijan
E-mail: shahlaganbarova@gmail.com

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