2024   01   az   p.07-12 T.M. Tarverdiyev, S.U. Atayeva,
Glass transition and crystallization processes in Se95Te5 chalcogenide glassy system


The glass transition and crystallization processes of Se95Te5 HG system were studied using a differential scanning calorimeter in non-isothermal mode with a heating rate of 5,10,15,20 K/min. The glass transition, crystallization, and melting temperatures were determined and the reduced value of the glass transition temperature (Trg), Hruby coefficient (Kgl), brittleness coefficient (Fi), and Avrami coefficients (n and m), as well as the activation energy of the glass transition and crystallization processes (140.24 kС/mol, 95.11 kС/mol) was calculated. It has been shown that the composition of XSHY Se95Te5 has a high degree of glass-forming properties. It was determined that the crystallization mechanism (n = 2.51 m = 1.9) corresponds to volumetric nucleation accompanied by two-dimensional growth.

Keywords: chalcogenide, glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature, brittleness factor.

Received: 19.01.2024


Institute of Physics Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, AZ 1143, Baku, Azerbaijan, 131, H.Javid ave.
E-mail: seva_atayeva@mail.ru

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Fig.1       Fig.2        Fig.3       Fig.4        Fig.5        Fig.6


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