2020   03   en   p.42-45 S.Z. Damirova,
The scattering of current carriers on long-wave acoustic phonons in In1-xGaxSb (x=0.3÷0.7) at low temperatures


The investigations of thermopower(α) and total thermal conduction(χ_tot) in solid solutions In1-xGaxSb(х=0.30÷0.70) in temperature interval 5÷300 К, are carried out. К α(Т) and χt0t(Т) pass through maximum in interval~20÷25 and ~30÷40 К. χt0t(Т) maximum is explained by Callaway theory and α(Т) maxima are connected with hole scattering on long-wave acoustic phonons. It is established that the shift of maxima α(Т) and χt0t(Т) and also the dependence of phonon thermopower αph on Т in αph~ Т -3.4 form are in accordance with Herring theory.

Keywords: thermopower, thermal conduction, scattering, effective mass, relaxation time.
PACS: 64.75.Nx;72.20.Pa

Received: 14.10.2020


Institute of Physics ANAS, AZ-1143, H.Javid ave., 131, Baku, Azerbaijan

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