2022   01   az   p.03-06 A.I. Jabbarov,
Influence of the method of preparation of TlFe0.975Ga0.025S2 samples on the AFM phase transition


A solid solution of the composition TlFe0.975Ga0.025S2 was obtained by direct synthesis from the initial elements. The thermo-emf and electrical conductivity of the obtained solid solution have been studied in the temperature range 77-350K. It was found that, depending on the method for preparing a 2.5% Ga solid solution sample, the Néel temperature changes from TN = 150 K in a single crystal to TN = 180.5 K in pressed samples. The thermo-emf of the sample is observed to pass from p-type to n-type in a single crystal at TN = 150 K and in pressed samples at 255 K and 284 K, respectively.

Keywords: solid solution, magnetic phase transition, additive, thermoelectric motive force.
PACS: 541.123.3


Received: 22.12.2021


Institute of Physics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 131 H. Javid ave, Baku, AZ-1143, Azerbaijan
E-mail: ayd.jabb@list. ru

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