2020   02   en   p.32-34 N.M. Akhundova1, T.D. Aliyeva2, G.J. Abdinova3,
Influence of surface disturbances of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 crystal on the transport of electrons in its volume, surface and in the interface with Bi-Sn alloy


Polarization investigations have shown that the influence of inhibitors containing inorganic oxidants and monoethanolamide reduce the corrosion rate of steel, which clearly testify about the slowdown of the cathodic process, the restoration of molecular oxygen and the anodic metal ionization reaction. Confirmation of this is the fact, that the developed mixtures are functioning as inhibitors of mixed type.

Keywords: polarization, inhibitor, cathodic and anodic processes, ionization, synergetic effect.
PACS: 61.50.−f, 61.82.Fk, 68.47.Fg, 72.20.−i

Received: 22.09.2020


1. Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) AZ-1001, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, Istiglaliyyat street, 6
2. Institute of Physics NAS of Azerbaycan AZ-1143, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, H. Cavid avenue, 131
3. Azerbaijan State Pedagogic College AZ-1143, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, İnshaacılar avenue, 14
E-mail: tunzalaaliyeva@mail.ru

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